... continued from the previous page.
6. Import and size the 'sea' image
Next Copy & Paste the sea image onto the canvas and shrink down. Crop the image down so only the bottom is seen.
Using the Burn Tool brush on some darker tones.
7. Mask & Feather water to field
Duplicate the field layer and layer it so it overlaps the water.
Add a Mask Layer to the field and hide the top & bottom parts of the grass using a soft edged brush.
8. Darken the foreground grass
Next go to the field layer and brush on some darker tones using the Burn Tool so it looks more realistic
NEXT: We'll create the road with more masking and erasing ...
9. Import the Dirt Road image
Copy & Paste the Dirt Road image and shrink it down, place it on the right side of the tree.
Add a Mask Layer to the dirt road and hide parts of the image until only the dirt road is visible. All through the process, keep the finished picture in mind.
If you want to, just open it in a separate window to refer to.
NEXT: We'll create the tree's shadow with some crafty layer tricks ...
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