Once connected to the smaller tablet, the 65" giant works like any other Honeycomb device out there, including the capacity to play games like Fruit Slice as the developer demonstrates on the video above. Right now, the display can only recognize two-finger input but Ardic plans to incorporate multi-touch input soon. While it still depends on another device to work, the gigantic tablet has features akin to other slates on the market like front and rear cameras, a microSD card slot, and even 3G and wifi internet connectivity.
As Engadget puts it, this isn't just another crazy prototype. The company is marketing the product as an alternative to touch-enabled interactive white boards called Smart Boards, and is already in talks with some customers from the education and business sectors.
[via Engadget]
This article was written by Mariella Moon and originally appeared on Tecca
from:yahoo.com site
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